Friday, March 2, 2012

Accessing CCPCS Home Access + & IT Resources

Teachers at Capital City PCS now have access to our private intranet, called Home Access Plus, or HAP. On this intranet, teachers can find links to special resources, and also access their network files from a home computer.

Login with your netlogin (what you use to access your work computer)

Using Home Access Plus

To access your files from home, click on the "Browse for Files" button towards the top right of the screen.

When prompted, choose the basic version.

To access your files, download them to your computer. You can then upload them back to your network folder after working on them from home.

Using IT Resources

Also linked to on the home access plus is the IT Resources reservation page.

On this page, teachers can reserve the use of IT equipment, including
  • Cameras
  • Camcorders (including flip cameras)
  • Expedition Sets (6 cameras, 6 flip cams, class set of audio recorders)
  • iPads (teachers may reserve iPads for an entire week)
  • Other AV Equipment (such as a document camera, extra projector, clickers and speakers)

If Upper School teachers wish to reserve laptop carts, a box of netbooks, or an extra Macbook, please continue to email Mr. Chase. You will not be able to reserve computers through this website. (In the Lower School, the process is different.)

To reserve equipment, search by category. Choose the category from the drop-down towards the top left of the screen.

After choosing the category, reserve equipment by following the directions below:

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