Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Website of the Week: GoAnimate for Easy-to-Create Animations

GoAnimate Videomaker is a website that allows you to build an animated video using customizable templates. While the site pushes you towards creating a pro account, you can still use the program with a free account.
Screenshot from Go Animate Election Videomaker:

Creating videos is an easy 4-step process:

  1. Choose a setting like the 2012 Elections, Anime, or "Epic Ninja Battle."
  2. Select your actors
  3. Type in or record your dialog.
  4. Login or create your account to preview your video

Ideas for Use:

  1. Consider using GoAnimate to easily create animation prompts to introduce a topic or spice up your lessons.
  2. Have students create their own videos to explain concepts in the classroom, or present two different viewpoints about a subject.

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