Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cool Website of the Week: Diigo

This week's "website of the week" is Diigo, an online bookmarking site ideal for personal and collaborative content curation. 

With this cloud-based note-taking tool, you can collect bookmarks, highlight web pages directly from your browser, and then share your resources and notes with others by using tags.

Example of highlighted text using the Diigo Toolbar

A site like Diigo is ideal for teachers to share links with students, including important notes and instructions. If students create accounts, they can also share resources with teachers and other students. For example, you can create a common tag, specific to your course or unit that students can associate with a website to share that resource with the group.

Diigo also lets you easily create widgets that can be embedded in your Moodle website.

Example of a Tagcloud widget

About Website of the Week
Every week we will share interesting websites and online resources that might be of interest to teachers.

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