Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cool Website of the Week - Scoop.It

Scoop.It is a content curation site, meaning you can find articles, blog posts and other resources based on keyword searches. This social-based site allows you to share these resources in a clean "magazine"-like interface. Scoop.It is ideal for keeping track of information about a specific topic, and enhancing your digital presence.

Scoop.It makes it easy for you to search for suggested content to share on your page. These articles are sorted by their date of publication, so by researching this way, you can keep up with new information. 

You can also download a Scoop.It bookmarklet, so when browsing the Internet, you can share interesting articles at the push of a button.

Scoop.It is great for continual professional development. You can easily share articles and blog posts with your colleagues and other teachers online with similar interests. Create multiple Scoop.Its for all the subjects you are interested in.

You can also consider using Scoop.It with your students. Share current events articles, or information about specific educational topics using this site.

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